
We are always searching for ways to improve our services. We encourage you to provide your feedback which you can do by calling 9585 3000 or emailing us on

There are other ways we collect you feedback and give you an opportunity to provide feedback anonymously:

What happens to your feedback?

All your feedback is recorded in our Quality Management System and is reviewed by the Managers, the CEO, and the members of the Finance Audit and Risk Board Sub-Committee. All feedback that is considered to be serious is also escalated to the Board for review.

Who can you contact outside St George Community:

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Phone: 1800 951 822 between 9am and 5 pm weekdays (free call from landlines)
If you need an interpreter, you can ask them to arrange one when you call.

Online: Complete the Online Complaints Form
Letter: Write a letter to:

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
GPO Box 9819, Sydney NSW 2000

Disability & Community Services:

Community Services Division, NSW Ombudsman’s Office, Level 24, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

Phone (Freecall): 1800 451 524 (Note: mobile phone users may incur charges).

Fill in their online complaint form at or email

NDIS Services:

National Disability Quality and Safeguards Commission  (NDIS Commission)

Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or

Online: Complete the Complaint Contact Form