
Individual Transport

For clients registered with My Aged Care

If you live in the St George area, we can assist you to get to and from your medical and personal appointments anywhere in the St George area. If you have appointments in the surrounding suburbs, the Sutherland Shire or in the City we can also assist you with transport if we have capacity.

When we receive a referral through My Aged Care, we will call you and register you in our system. When you are ready to use our service, you simply call our office or book your transport online. It is important that you book your transport as soon as you know the details of your appointment to secure your booking. If you are only able to give us very short notice of your booking you will be placed on standby, and our team will notify you if we can deliver a service to you.

For clients registered with NDIS

If you have an NDIS Plan you can register to receive our services. We will assist you to:

  • Access your employment
  • Access your medical or personal appointments
  • Access your social and recreational activities.

You will be provided with a quotation for our services and a Service Agreement outlining our responsibilities to you in delivering our service. When you accept the quotation and sign the Service Agreement, services can commence. We will visit you at home for a brief meeting to explain our services and to check that our vehicle can access your home.

Your services will be billed monthly to your Plan Manager, NDIA or to you or your representative if your plan is self-managed.

You can book your service by calling our office or you can book online. It is important that you book your transport as soon as you know the details of your appointment to secure your booking. If you are only able to give us very short notice of your booking you will be placed on standby, and our team will notify you if we can deliver a service to you.

For clients with a Home Care Package

If you have a Home Care Package, we can assist you to get to and from your medical and personal appointments in the St George area and in the surrounding suburbs, the Sutherland Shire and the City if we have capacity. We will ask you for the details of your case manager and will provide you and your case manager with a quote for our services. If you are agreeable, services can commence.

All bookings will be made by your case manager. Your services will be billed monthly to your Home Care Package service provider. It is important that your case manager books your transport as soon as you know the details of your appointment to secure your booking. If you are only able to give us very short notice of your booking you will be placed on standby, and our team will notify your case manager if we can deliver a service to you.

For clients requiring short-term assistance

St George Community is funded by Transport for NSW under the Community Transport Program (CTP)to provide transport services to people of all ages who require assistance for a short-term period. Short-term refers to a period of less than 6 months. Call us to register for our services.

If you live in the St George area, we can assist you to get to and from your medical and personal appointments anywhere in the St George area. If you have appointments in the surrounding suburbs, the Sutherland Shire or in the City we can also assist you with transport if we have capacity.

When you are ready to use our service, you simply call our office or book your transport online. It is important that you book your transport as soon as you know the details of your appointment to secure your booking. If you are only able to give us very short notice of your booking you will be placed on standby, and our team will notify you if we can deliver a service to you.

For privately funded clients

If you are privately funded, we can assist you to get to and from your medical and personal appointments in the St George area and in the surrounding suburbs, the Sutherland Shire and the City if we have capacity. We will provide you with a quote for our services. If you are agreeable, services can commence.

It is important that you book your transport as soon as you know the details of your appointment to secure your booking. If you are only able to give us very short notice of your booking you will be placed on standby, and our team will notify you if we can deliver a service to you.

Bus Hire

St George Community provides a vehicle hire service with or without the services of a driver.

Subsidised Vehicle Hire

If the clients travelling in the vehicle are registered with St George Community under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or Community Transport Program (CTP), then subsidised rates will apply to the vehicle hire. The hire fee is calculated at a rate per kilometre plus an hourly rate for the driver’s services.

  • We will ask you for a list of the names of your clients travelling with us.
  • Vehicle Hire can be provided on an ad hoc basis, or on a recurring schedule.
  • We accept vehicle hire bookings 7 days per week. To receive a quote or to confirm a booking please call our office.

Private Vehicle Hire

Private vehicle hire rates will apply. This is calculated at a rate per kilometre travelled and an hourly rate for the driver’s services.

  • Vehicle Hire can be provided on an ad hoc basis, or on a recurring schedule.
  • We accept vehicle hire bookings 7 days per week. To receive a quote or to confirm a booking please call our office.

Shopping trips

St George Community provides a shopping bus to 5 shopping centres:

Clients are collected from their home and taken to the shopping centre. They will have up to 2 hours to complete their shopping, they are then collected and taken home. Clients may purchase up to 4 shopping bags of goods at a maximum weight of 4kgs each. St George Community staff are available to assist the client with their shopping bags to their front door.

Clients may book their shopping trips by calling the office or booking online. Clients living on the west side of King Georges Road can shop at Roselands, Southgate Shopping Centre and Menai Marketplace. Clients living on the east side of King Georges Road can shop at Rockdale, Southgate Shopping Centre and Westfield Eastgardens.

Please see our monthly newsletter for the shopping dates for the month.

Bingo Service

Join our Bingo Bus service and you can choose to play bingo at:

  • Hurstville RSL
  • St George Leagues Club
  • Bexley RSL
  • Oatley RSL

Call the office to book your seat or book online.

Travelling with a Carer

Many of our clients will travel with a carer if they require assistance at their appointments. In our individual transport service, a Carer may travel for free. The name of the Carer must be provided at the time of booking to St George Community for their records.

Our Fleet

St George Community provides a well-maintained current fleet of 10 cars, 10 minibuses and 7 buses (22–24-seater). One of our key values and strategic goals is Safety which we apply to both clients and staff. We are always looking at modern technology, and equipment to improve the safety of our vehicles.

St George Community is accredited under NSW Point to Point legislation which means we have to comply with a strict set of safety standards which affects how we:

  • Maintain and repair our vehicles
  • Conduct annual safety checks
  • Implement a Safety Management System
  • Insure our vehicles
  • Meet specific obligations when our vehicle is used to provide a wheelchair accessible service
  • Provide professional, qualified drivers